Very important Peregrines get nest platform

The charity working to save Colchester’s Jumbo water tower has installed a nest platform to protect rare peregrine falcons during restoration work on the unique building.

Expert ecologists were brought in to supervise the installation of the wooden platform which is sited in the brick alcove used by the birds in previous years. A specialist team abseiled down the 40.5m tower to position the platform.

Several alcoves adjacent to the platform in the engineers’ room of the tower have been blocked off to ensure the birds are not disturbed during the breeding season, which usually starts in February. Peregrine falcons are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act. There are thought to be about 1,500 pairs in the UK. A pair of falcons has chosen to nest at Jumbo for the past few years.

A figure in a high visibility jacket is seen abseiling down the outside of a tall brick building with alcoves.

David Balcombe, a Trustee of charity North Essex Heritage, led the work. He said:

“There is obviously no guarantee these majestic birds will return to Jumbo this year but if they do, we want to ensure their welcome befits their status as VIPs – Very Important Peregrines!”

“We want to thank ecologists Zoe Smith and Peter Merchant and other local experts for their advice. The team at Punch Construction handled the tricky installation brilliantly.

“The falcons are very special. They have made a home at the tower and North Essex Heritage have upgraded their accommodation to a 5-star hotel, but without the room service. We will do everything possible to ensure they remain and we are grateful for the grant support from Historic England and from local people helping us in this task.”

To ensure the falcons are not disturbed if they return to Jumbo, the popular public tours have been suspended for February on the advice of ecologists. Trustees will keep the situation under review.